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Question Builder - Tips & Tricks

Tips and tricks for how to use Question Builder and how to best construct and configure experience questions.

Updated over a week ago


Question Builder is your workstation for creating and managing questions to better know your experience guests before and after they attend your experience. Initially you can manage your pre-experience questions, in the future you will also be able to do the same for feedback questions.

Learn more about Question Builder feature.

What are Checkout Questions?

Checkout questions are presented to experience attendees when registering or buying tickets to an experience. Its purpose is to understand attendees before the experience to facilitate more personalization at the experience and/or to gain a baseline understanding of your attendees before the experience.

Checkout questions that are managed as part of Question Builder include questions beyond basic checkout or payment information (and exclude fields like name, email, phone number and payment information.)

Privacy Policy, Waivers and Terms of Use acceptance are also not considered Question Builder questions, because these are set up differently, however, some customers may choose to use Custom Questions in Question Builder to collect these permissions.

Question Builder Tips & Tricks

  • Tip #1: Whenever possible, use standardized questions instead of custom question in order to unlock benchmarks across industries.

  • Tip #2: Archive questions that you no longer want to use for go-forward experiences to maintain a clutter-free view of questions. You can still access Archived questions via a toggle on the Questions page.

  • Tip #3: Use # of experiences to see which experiences are connected to the question. See the of linked experiences under “Experiences.” Click to see the specific experience names that are linked to the question.

  • Tip #4: If possible, Use the pre-populated brand name. Keep the brand name consistent so that follow-up questions matches the brand name in checkout.

  • Tip #5: Use question subtitle as a way to remove guest friction in providing an answer. Some suggestions:

    • 7 or 8 is neutral

    • Answer based on your initial impression

  • Tip #6: Use an easily identifiable Internal Question Name to be able to easily find the question for when you add them to experiences.

  • Tip #7: For the purchase behavior question, use a combination of action and brand/product that works in the short term and longer term. This language will be re-used when we conduct an ROI survey 3+ months after the experience and will act as a baseline metric for purchase behavior.

    • Examples:

      • drink Acme beer

      • buy Acme apparel

      • enjoy Acme ice cream bars

  • Tip #8: Use Custom Purchase Behavior only if the benchmarkable purchase behavior question does not work for your brand or experience. This question should relate to a consumer’s purchase behavior for the brand’s product, such as to understand whether customers are new or existing, the frequency of purchase, or when/where purchases occur.

  • Tip #9: Remember that while a user account can have many purchase behavior questions, only one is allowed per experience. This will be enforced when you add questions to experiences.

  • Tip #10: Use General Opt-in type for broadest permissions from guests.

  • Tip #11: Consider using dropdown format as it sees the highest conversion rates. Although checkbox questions are most widely used.

  • Tip #12: Opt-in language that is clear, concise and compelling achieve higher conversion rates.

    • Good examples:

      • Yes! Keep me updated on all the new and exciting things happening at [Brand/Brand location].

      • Please keep me up to date on the latest [Brand/Brand location] happenings and offerings.

      • Be a [Brand/Brand location] Insider! Be the first to know about exclusive events and promotions by joining our mailing list

  • Tip #13: Ask for a specific date of birth or birthdate to get the most accurate response. This can be easily converted into age groups for analysis.

  • Tip #14: Some suggestions for how to ask the birthdate question:

    • Birthdate

    • Date of birth

    • What is your date of birth?

  • Tip #15: Add a question subtitle if collecting birthdate comes with a perk such as special offers on the guest’s birthdate, or if the event is limited to a certain guest age.

  • Tip #16: Use the format most appropriate for your target guest demographic.

    • MM/DD/YYYY: primarily in the United Stated and island territories

    • DD/MM/YYYY: primarily in Europe, Central America, South America and parts of Africa

    • YYYY/MM/DD: primarily in Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Sweden)

  • Tip #17: To make it easier for guests to answer, provide no more than 6 options to choose from.

  • Tip #18: Do not use custom checkbox questions for marketing opt-ins because responses will not be captured in relevant reporting or APIs. However, these can be used as alternative legal waiver language if needed.

  • Tip #19: Use text response questions for richer answers or when you are not certain what response options to provide. After enough text responses are collected, you may consider creating a dropdown or radio button for quicker analysis.

  • Tip #20: If a custom questions is required, consider using commonly used question suggestions below.

Commonly Use Custom Questions

Commonly used questions are question formats that are used by some customers.

These are not the same as standardized questions which can be benchmarked. Commonly used questions are not benchmarked against other industries.

Custom Purchase Behavior for a limited distribution product

  • Tip #21: This commonly used custom purchase behavior question can be used when a product has very limited distribution, where this is likely the primary reason guests are not purchasing the product. Use this in lieu of the Standard Purchase Behavior question.

Recommended format:

  • Question format: Dropdown or Radio

  • Question: In the past 6 months, how often did you [action] [Brand's product]?

  • Response options:

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Occasionally

    • Never

    • Not available in my area

Custom Guest Country Question as an alternative to billing address or IP

  • Tip #22: Use this commonly used custom question as a way to supplement billing address or IP-based address

Recommended format:

Alternative Age Band Questions

  • Tip #23: Use this commonly used custom question when the experience does not require age-gating. This is a commonly used in marketing surveys to understand guest age, however provides less fidelity than birth date.

Recommended format:

  • Question: Select your age group:

  • Question Subtitle Example: This helps us tailor the experience

  • Response Option 1 with broader age-bands:

    • Under 21

    • 21 - 30

    • 31 - 40

    • 41 - 50

    • 51 - 60

    • 61+

  • Response Option 2 with more specific age-bands:

    • 18 - 20

    • 21 - 25

    • 26 - 30

    • 31 - 35

    • 36 - 40

    • 41 - 45

    • 46 - 50

    • 51 - 55

    • 56 - 60

    • 60+

  • Rationale for recommended format:

    • Age bands correspond with Age bands found in Insights & Explorer (which are normally derived from birthdate. Alignment allows us to do ad-hoc comparisons for custom reports or dashboards.

Imported Questions

Customers with existing checkout questions will have their questions “imported” into Question Builder.

  • Tip #24: Review questions that are currently used on experiences. Then archive questions which are no longer relevant and remove questions from experience if you don’t plan to enable these anytime in the future.

  • Tip #25: All imported questions will have “Imported” in the name. Rename these to easily differentiate one question from the next. This makes it easier to manage when adding or configuring questions on the experience.

  • Tip #26: While all questions (including non-standard formatted NPS, purchase behavior, birth date and marketing opt-in questions) have been imported, replace these questions with new standard templates to ensure you can accurately benchmark your data with others in your industry.

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